Visit with Michelle Stilwell
Board member and stroke survivor Rick Turner and Kathleen Falvai, Coordinator, visited Michelle Stilwell, our local MLA at her office on Friday, March 3. This gave us a great opportunity to share information about our OSRS organization and the services provided to stroke survivors and their caregivers in our area.
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Michelle Stilwell
Rehabilitation after stroke is an ongoing process and it is important to know that when the hospital stay is over, and the outpatient visits to rehab are finished, there is a place where stroke survivors can go to receive the extended therapy and support that they need.
Michelle is an inspiring individual who understands the challenges faced by our members. She has accomplished a lot during her life as an Olympic Gold Medalist athlete, politician, wife and mother. I know that our members will enjoy meeting her as well and an invitation to visit our therapy meeting was accepted with enthusiasm.
We look forward to her visit to one of our group meetings soon.