John Fairfield
John Fairfield
I first heard of Oceanside Stroke Recovery while in rehab at Nanaimo. It sounded interesting, so I decided to see it for myself. I joined it – or I tried to.
And so on a bright summer day I went to the church building we are so familiar with. Only to see the notice there was no one there, and nothing was happening for a couple of months. Oh well – nothing like a wait!

John Fairfield
I was getting used to waiting, actually, for my life had taken an about-turn when I had a stroke at age of 71. That was 4 years ago.
Being born in wartime, spending 5 years in Venezuela, and getting my education in Northern Ireland and M.Sc. at SFU, I ended up teaching at a small regional college in Nanaimo. By the time I left it was on the verge of becoming a full blown University. I took an early retirement package, so just got in my 11 years of good health before the stroke hit.
One year later, I suffered a crushed vertebra from a zodiac ride, a couple of hours out of Campbell River. Then, in the terrible windstorm just before Christmas 2018, I suffered a smashed up right femur! (That needed enough pins to put back together the 4 parts, so I’m worth quite a bit in titanium!) That set me back once more, but thankfully OSRS was there once again.
I learned about OSRS from the physiotherapists in Nanaimo. My wife was a big help, especially when I had no licence the first year. After I got my licence, Elaine just kept on driving – it was so handy!
The most useful thing I’ve learned in OSRS has been the speech therapy, and my speech is returning – slowly! But it’s returning! And don’t forget the coffee at Trees, and lunch at the Bradley Centre!
Regarding other survivors, Oceanside Stroke Recovery is strongly to be recommended.