Pot Head Party
28 of our members attended our first ever Pot Head party and learned some interesting facts about toys from the 1950`s. The star today was Mr. Potato Head who was first manufactured and distributed by Hasbro in 1952. Rick Treby shared that was the year of his birth too! Mr. Potato Head was the first toy advertised on television and has remained in production since its debut. The toy was originally produced as separate plastic parts with pushpins that could be stuck into a real potato or other vegetable. However, due to complaints regarding rotting vegetables and new government safety regulations, Hasbro began including a plastic potato body within the toy set in 1964. Known by kids today as the character from Toy Story, Mr. Potato Head was all the rage for kids in the 1950s.
The fifties was a decade that saw some of the greatest and most enduring toys to hit the market. Hula hoops, Barbie’s, Matchbox cars, play doh, silly putty, frisbees, slinky’s, Fisher Price Little People, Gumby and the pogo stick were all toys of the fifties.
After indulging in another infamous pot luck lunch, members enjoyed some rousing games of Chinese Checkers, Scrabble, UNO and Snakes and Ladders. Life is good.