Fishing Forever 2019

The Parksville Qualicum Fish and Game club once again stocked the Coombs Country Campground lake with good size Rainbow Trout and invited folks from Oceanside to come out for a little fishing. The PQFG members thought of everything. Rods were set up. Worms were on hand. Coffee and muffins were available. Their members were out in full force to help get people fishing. And brown bag lunches were served to everyone. The Coombs Fiddlers were on hand to provide the musical entertainment.
26 Oceanside Stroke Recovery members enjoyed this amazing outing on the banks of the Coombs Country Campground lake! Thank you to all the Parksville Qualicum Fish and Game people who helped at this year’s Fishing Forever. It was a wonderful excursion.
Thanks also to the Coombs Fiddlers for entertaining us!