Christmas Party 2024
December 27th, 2024
Our annual Christmas event came, and a good time was had by all!
Special thanks to our volunteers who helped package the baskets, set up the tables, manage the tickets/raffle, and take down everything down when it was over.
Also, lets not forget to thank:
- SAVE-ON FOODS that donated the turkeys in memory of Robb Glazier, (who often gathered at Save-On, for coffee with his friends)
- UP BEET EATS CATERING (DEBBIE AYERS) who prepared the food (donation of supplies, time, energy and skill to prepare our delicious meal). The deserts were especially amazing!
- Mid-Island Pensioners & Hobbyists Association who donated the Bradley Centre venue and I believe helped serve the delicious food!
- Everyone who donated items for the silent auction
I hear attendance was one of our best years ever, and the fundraising elements were a great success!
Last, but certainly not least, thank you Kathleen for being such a wonderful coordinator for OSRS, and MC-ing the event
See below for yourselves (thanks MJ and Donna for sharing these pictures)!
We wish a warm Christmas holidays to you and yours, and a flourishingly wonderful New Year!