Back to Back Music Sessions with Duets!
Hi Folks!
Special thanks to Karen, Mike, and of course Doug for being good sports during these fun duets!
The first duet occurred on our Valentine’s Day themed meeting (Feb 11th), when Karen surprised us in costume as Cher! Dougie and Cher:
They did a great job singing “I Got You Babe”:
The following week (Feb 18th), Doug brought a special guest to help him with the songs:
I forget his name, but we all appreciate his contributions! However…
When the group saw the 7th song on the list: “Jackson” by Johnny Cash, the audience knew Doug would need some extra help. Fortunately, Mike was willing to ‘make a big fool of himself’ and took on the impossible task of singing June’s portion(s) of the song:
Mistakes were made, but it was all in lighthearted silly fun! Thanks again for being good sports!
Will we have another surprise duet this upcoming Friday (Feb 25th)? Who’s stepping up? Pat? Pippa? Rick? 😀