Our Stories is a series of brief biographies of OSRS members. Written by Nancy Whelan with the help of members who have volunteered to tell their stories.

John Fairfield

I first heard of Oceanside Stroke Recovery while in rehab at Nanaimo. It sounded interesting, so I decided to see it for myself. I joined it – or I tried to.

And so on a bright summer day I went to the church building we are so familiar with. Only to see the notice there was no one there, and nothing was happening for a couple of months.  Oh well – nothing like a wait!

John Fairfield

I was getting used to waiting, actually, for my life had taken an about-turn when I had a stroke at age of 71. That was 4 years ago.

Being born in wartime, spending 5 years in Venezuela, and getting my education in Northern Ireland and M.Sc. at SFU, I ended up teaching at a small regional college in Nanaimo.   By the time I left it was on the verge of becoming a full blown University.  I took an early retirement package, so just got in my 11 years of good health before the stroke hit.

One year later, I suffered a crushed vertebra from a zodiac ride, a couple of hours out of Campbell River. Then, in the terrible windstorm just before Christmas 2018, I suffered a smashed up right femur!  (That needed enough pins to put back together the 4 parts, so I’m worth quite a bit in titanium!)  That set me back once more, but thankfully OSRS was there once again.

I learned about OSRS from the physiotherapists in Nanaimo.  My wife was a big help, especially when I had no licence the first year.  After I got my licence, Elaine just kept on driving – it was so handy!

The most useful thing I’ve learned in OSRS has been the speech therapy, and my speech is returning – slowly!  But it’s returning!  And don’t forget the coffee at Trees, and lunch at the Bradley Centre!

Regarding other survivors, Oceanside Stroke Recovery is strongly to be recommended.

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John Fairfield

Jim Guthrie

Jim Guthrie was born in Whitehorse, Yukon. His family moved various places for work thoughout various small towns on the prairies. He met his wife, Genelle, in Regina, Saskatchewan and they moved from province to province, eventually settling in Qualicum Beach.

Jim Guthrie

Jim had varied careers during his working life. After completing his university education, Jim and Genelle moved to Edmonton, Alberta where he started a construction company; he next built homes, and log homes. They moved to Keremos/Cawston BC where they built a log home on the Similkameen River and farmed (approximately 50,000 tomato plants) for a number of years. This was followed by a return to school, then civil engineering work, and project management. While a district manager for the Highways Department, he retired from Fort St. John to Qualicum Beach. He then resumed working as a project manager on the Evergreen Line in Vancouver for a few years.

In March of 2017, Jim suffered a stroke. Shortly after this dismaying event, a Stroke Recovery Association member, Bob Davenport, told Jim about “Stroke Club” and he became a member   He and his wife come to its weekly meetings of one hour exercise sessions, followed by lunch, and live music or art activities, on Friday mornings at St. Columba Presbyterian Church near Parksville.

Jim believes that the consistent physical exercises and encouragement at these weekly meetings is helping with his recovery from the stroke, and one of the things he likes best about the meetings is the comradery with fellow members, therapists, and visitors. Jim would recommend the Oceanside Stroke Recovery Society and its programs to others working to recover from the problems of a stroke.

Jim was an avid hunter, trap shooter, and fisherman all his life, and with the loss of a great portion of his eyesight from the stroke he strongly feels the loss of being able to do those things. “It’s the biggest side effect of my stroke,” he says.

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Jim Guthrie

Jim Molle

Jim Molle is an enthusiastic member of the Oceanside Stroke Recovery Society. Says Jim, “It is such a wonderful program. I look forward to coming every Friday.”

Jim was born in Wainwright, Alberta and grew up in Calgary. He spent his working career in the engineering division of TELUS. He loved to rebuild old cars and machined parts for them on a lathe. In 1979 and 1980, he was the speed boat champion for Canada. One of Jim’s treasured possessions is his certificate of membership in MENSA Canada.

In June of 1999, at 45 years of age, Jim suffered a stroke. Then, in a ‘stroke of luck’, Jim’s wife met Sandy Glazier at the dog park in 2017, Sandy being the wife of a stroke survivor who is already a member of OSRS. Jim soon learned about the Society’s benefits.

Jim is very positive about the benefits of his weekly visits with OSRS. “The speech therapy and group activities are excellent and keep the mind active and get new connections happening. It has improved my quality of life. There’s a feeling of belonging and everyone is so supportive and helpful.” He recommends OSRS for other stroke survivors, saying, “Yes, it is a necessity; it keeps you positive and motivated!”

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Jim Molle

Rick Turner

Options during my life are a constant, often picked by changes to my physical capabilities. I wish to communicate with you, but my hearing is poor, I could write to you but am no longer capable of cursive writing. The best option for me is to type – I still have a good left hand. I wish to tell you a little about my 77 years or 28,105 days; whew, how will I encapsulate that in a page?

I was born in Ottawa in 1941; shortly after, the hospital was torn down, no doubt the old building was not designed for the hospital of today.

Rick Turner, age 7

I have wonderful recollections of life  in the forties … milk, bread, ice, delivered by a horse drawn wagon, coal streaming down the chute to heat our home, the ice box in the kitchen, the hot water tank filled with plugs. The street was the playground for hockey and football and a short walk to the Rideau Canal was the spot to fish. Many a walleye ended up in the frying pan.  We were in the heart of the city, yet few people experienced the feel of a big city. What a different world when the telephone number was just four digits.

My first job at the age of 12, I was the kitchen boy at Camp Pontiac in Quebec. Seven days a week before breakfast to after supper for fifteen dollars. I was grateful, at the time I was not a burden to the family. Dad died that summer.

I always found summer work from a warehouse stocking, shipping, drilling holes in glass for Pierson windows and building a home with Dieter and Wilfred. That was a special time building a home with two professionals.

I was unemployed over the weekend. On graduation my first real job was in government; it turned out to be not my cup of tea, I left the job on a Friday, sat an interview the same day. I started work on the following Monday … the beginning of a thirty year career. I wish youth today had so many opportunities.

The years unfolded so quickly. MJ and I married in 1970, we enjoy two daughters. Life unfolded quickly with family camping, skiing, building a home in the country and then the event that changed my family life.

I could not walk, I mumbled. A collection of new words was imposed on me: vestibular system, tinnitus, vertigo, peripheral neuropathy, and hemiplegia were part of my life.

After one month I took my first step. I could not thank Herve enough for his marvelous physiotherapy and humour. Once he duct taped me in the wheel chair and chuckled. I was very emotional on taking my first step.

The impact to the family was enormous. Duties once shared were done by MJ. The isolated country home we live in was no longer practical. Decisions had to be made.

We decided to go West. MJ made two trips; on the second trip we purchased a home in Qualicum Beach.

Good fortune comes in strange ways. Our daughter lived in Parksville with our two beautiful grandchildren. MJ and I were very involved and shared the joy of a child’s unconditional love.

Items that I found most helpful … under the mattress grab bar, MP4 player for a restless night, a mobility scooter, a rocking knife, grab bars, PC with it’s Google brain, gardening, carpentry.

How can I thank the stroke group for enriching my life? I think of the many unsung heroes that nurture our members, often in a family setting.

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Rick Turner

Rick Treby

Rick Treby

I was born and grew up in Vancouver. I had my own business in the hauling of private trailers to various destinations and I spent many years as a paramedic in Vancouver. I now live in Parksville.

On February 22nd, 2017 I had a stroke, and spent four months in rehab at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital. A friend at OSRS told me about the Society and I joined right after leaving the hospital. My wife, Jean, drives me to the OSRS meetings at St. Columba Hall on Friday mornings.

These regular meetings with other stroke survivors, the therapists, our caregivers, and the cheerful volunteers help me quite a bit with my recovery. The sessions have improved my attitude and helped me feel more positive. I like the sharing of everything. Others have seen changes and it’s encouraging.

I recommend the Oceanside Stroke Recovery Society and I’ve left positive word about its help at NRGH. I encourage others to join us; some have – coming all the way from Chemainus. I just have to say I like it – the socialization, and I do enjoy the art therapy.

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Rick Treby